New Study

New Study


'Inert' Ingredients in pesticides, more toxic to bees than scientists thought. 


Inert Ingredients in Pesticides: Our bees, essential allies in agriculture, are now facing a new adversary—often-overlooked "inert" ingredients in pesticides. A recent study, detailed in Scientific Reports, exposed honeybees to the fungicide Pristine, revealing a surprising twist: it's the inert ingredients, not the active ones, that impair the bees' memory.


The Hidden Dangers: Inert ingredients, often recognised for extending shelf life and aiding pesticide application, are wrongly labeled as inactive. Environmental Agency treats them as trade secrets, leaving much unknown about their potential toxicity. This lack of transparency poses a significant challenge in understanding and mitigating the risks posed to our precious pollinators.


Personal Perspective: On a personal note, I've experienced my fair share of challenges in beekeeping, witnessing colony losses over the years at times, inexplicable. "photo below" was taken on one of our farms, a reminder of the fragility of these essential creatures.


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