Your February Guide to Foraging

Your February Guide to Foraging

It's Friday, meaning it's time for our weekly roundup of the latest bee and climate news plus our tips for making the most of the season.

In the news this week, charities and environmental organisations condemned DEFRA's decision to approve a lethal bee killing pesticide.

News also came out that plants in the UK are now flowering a month earlier than in 1980s, signifying the accelerating process of global warming. Scientists warn that if temperatures continue to rise, this could have catastrophic effects on food systems and wildlife.

February 1st was the start of Imbolc, the Pagan and Gaelic beginning of spring. The goddess associated with the festival is Brigid who links to wisdom, poetry, healing, and protection. Imbolc signifies the start of spring so it is time to celebrate the longer days and new life blossoming in your garden. See if you can spot mistle thrushes and song thrushes when you're out and about.

If you don't have a garden, you can find plenty of things to eat in the wild! Be sure to look for wild garlic, dandelion leaves, and watercress on the hedgerows and in the woods. Wild garlic is a tasty plant that can be used for lots of things in cooking.

Here's our favourite recipe for wild garlic pesto:
1. Chop around 150g of wild garlic leaves (you can also use nettles or a mixture of both)
2. Blend the garlic, parmesan (or nutritional yeast for vegetarians/vegans), garlic cloves, lemon zest, and pine nuts until it forms a rough paste
3. Season to taste with salt and pepper and add some rapeseed oil. Blend again.

Let us know in the comments below how your pesto making goes! 

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