Happy World Environment Day!

Happy World Environment Day!


Marked annually on June 5th: Plastic pollution. Plastic waste has infiltrated almost every corner of our planet, posing a significant threat to our ecosystems and the creatures that inhabit them. Among the countless victims of this environmental crisis are bees, crucial pollinators responsible for the growth and sustainability of our food systems. Recent studies have revealed the alarming presence of plastic particles inside honey, highlighting the devastating impact of plastic pollution on bees. We explore the connection between plastic pollution and its effects on bees and the urgent need for collective action.


Bees are essential for the pollination of crops and the survival of countless plant species. However, their populations have been declining at an alarming rate in recent years, pesticide exposure, climate change, and disease. The infiltration of plastic pollution further exacerbates their plight, threatening their existence and the delicate balance of our ecosystems.

Plastic in Honey:

A study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology revealed that microplastic particles, predominantly fibers, have been detected in honey samples collected from around the world. These microplastics enter the honey through various pathways, including contamination during the honey collection and extraction process, as well as through the bees' foraging activities.

The presence of plastic in honey is deeply concerning, as it indicates the widespread contamination of our environment. Bees, while collecting nectar and pollen from flowers, can inadvertently pick up plastic particles that have been dispersed through air, water, and soil pollution. These particles then find their way into honey, which is a staple food source for bees and their colonies.


The ingestion of plastic particles has detrimental effects on bees' health and well-being. Bees rely on their intricate feeding system, comprising of a long, straw-like proboscis called a "tongue," to extract nectar from flowers. The presence of plastic particles in honey can lead to blockages or damage to this vital feeding apparatus, hampering the bees' ability to obtain nutrition.

Furthermore, plastic ingestion can also disrupt bees' digestive systems, impair their immune systems, and affect their overall physiological functions. Weakened bees are more susceptible to diseases, parasites, and other stressors, which can ultimately lead to colony collapse, threatening not only the bees themselves but also the ecosystem services they provide.


Find out how Bee Conservation have helped partner with companies to improve not only biodiversity and the environment, but also #staffengagement and wellness and the benefits in turn that has brought them - and how this could work for you. #environmental #biodiversity #conservation#sustainable #business as well as Social & Governance #ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility #CSR efforts.

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