Fun Friday - Honey and thyme carrots.

Fun Friday - Honey and thyme carrots.

We all know carrots are good for us, packed with Carotenoids which helps maintain a well-functioning immune system a source of fibre as well as vitamin C, which helps contribute to heart protective properties.  however sometimes I think we all get a little board of the taste, this recipe is great way to jazz them up; dare I say the word………… a good addition to any festive feast :)  

1kg carrots
25g butter
2 tbsp clear honey
5 lemon thyme sprigs, leaves picked, plus extra to serve (use ordinary thyme if you can't find lemon)

Tip the carrots into a wide shallow pan so they are no more than a double layer. Add the butter, honey and about 500ml or 2cm of water, the leaves from the thyme and a pinch of salt. Partly cover with a lid, turn the heat up high and boil everything down until the carrots are tender, cooked through and sticky with honey. If they aren’t tender enough by the time the water has evaporated, add a splash more. Once glazed, turn them over in the sticky juices and serve, with extra thyme on top.

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